Fast Facts about California Wind Energy

Wind energy projects totaling at least 5,787 megawatts (MW) of capacity are operating in California today,1 providing enough electricity to power about 2.3 million California households.2 

In 2020, California wind projects generated 13,703 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of electricity – 7.2% of all power generated within California.3 In 2020, out-of-state wind projects generated 16,635 GWh of electricity for California, representing 20% of total power imports.3 Combined, wind projects supplied 11% of California’s total system power,3 more than enough to power all homes in Sacramento, San Francisco, and Los Angeles Counties combined.2

Wind energy accounted for 27% of California’s renewable energy production for the RPS as of 2019.4 (See figure below.)

Generating wind power creates no emissions and uses virtually no water.

Major Wind Development Areas in California1 (View Map)# MW
Altamont Pass (Alameda, Contra Costa, San Joaquin Counties)336
Imperial County264
Pacheco Pass (Santa Clara County)17
San Diego County181
San Gorgonio Pass (Riverside County)668
Shasta County101
Solano County1,024
Tehachapi Pass (Kern County)3,160
Commercial & Industrial Installations Statewide36


CA Renewable Generatio


  1. Data compiled by 澳门百老汇网站网址 from the U.S. Wind Turbine Database.  Commercial and Industrial figure from Foundation Windpower. See (accessed on March 3, 2019) and (accessed on December 7, 2021).  Note that the U.S. Wind Turbine Database does not include capacity data for some pre-1990 wind projects, which could add a few hundred megawatts. Also note that the California Energy Commission reports 5,952 MW of California wind capacity (see footnote 3).
  2. Calculated by 澳门百老汇网站网址 based on California Energy Commission and EIA data.  (See and
  3. California Energy Commission, Energy Almanac, Total System Electric Generation (2020).  (See
  4. CEC, Tracking Progress - Renewable Energy, Rev. Feb. 2020.